
Board of Education Independent School District #2396

A Regular Meeting of the School Board of Independent School District #2396, Grove City, MN, was held on Monday, February, 2025, at the ACGC MS/HS Media Center in Grove City.

Members Present: Blom, C. Buer, R. Buer, Lilleberg, Morrison, Smith, Stafford

Members Absent: None

Administration Present: Goracke, Hagen, Lynk, Wall

Visitors Present: 3

The meeting was called to order by Lilleberg at 6:00pm.

All votes were 7-0-0 unless otherwise noted

Agenda Approval With Changes-Approved

Consent Agenda -Board approved Meeting Minutes from January 27, 2025 Regular School Board Meeting, Meeting Minutes from February 19, 2025 Work Session, Expenditures and Transfers for the month of January, and Personnel including lane changes. 

Public Comment-None

Recognition of Visitors and Correspondence-None

Reports-Written reports included in the packet for Business Manager, Activities Director, Elementary Principal, and 5-12 Principal. Superintendent Lynk reminded the Board about MASA/MSBA Day at the Capitol on March 10. Chair Lilleberg discussed proposed legislative changes and shared that the MSBA Board Self Evaluation would be arriving soon. 

Business- Reviewed Policies 532, 533, 623, and 713. Approved Policies 524, 525, 527, 528, 535 and 807; 2024-2025 Revised Budget; Four Day School Week Application; Four month contract with CESO for communications support; 2025-2026 Preschool and Kids are Great Daycare rates; David Blom’s continued coaching contracts now that he is a board member; and a Resolution accepting $3,845.45 from the Falcon Boosters for VR Technology and Track training equipment, $220 for two American flags in memory of Ethan Lilleberg, and $5000 from Bob and Suzanne Meyerson for the elementary piano lab. 

Board Comments-None

Meeting was adjourned at 7:07pm

The preceding is a summary of the unofficial minutes. The full text of the official minutes will be on file in the District Office, 27250 MN HWY 4, Grove City, Minnesota, and is also available on the school district’s website, www.acgc.k12.mn.us after the March 24, 2025 Regular Meeting.